Stop AEP Rate Hikes

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

AEP is requesting a customer rate increase, while they reap billions in profits. These increases are on top of surging energy prices that took effect in June for many customers in Central Ohio. AEP needs to share the burden and not just pass it along to hard hit Ohio ratepayers.

June 14th-16th marks the one year anniversary since AEP power outages devastated the Central Ohio community during some of the hottest days of 2022. Major storms across the region contributed to more than 230,000 AEP customers losing power in Central Ohio, leaving impacted poor and low income neighborhoods with little to no resources to navigate the blackouts. The current request (as part of AEP’s Electric Security Plan) to increase rates for its customers will only continue to hurt marginalized communities the most.

Please sign this petition to tell the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) not to allow AEP to increase their distribution charges and take advantage of Ohio ratepayers.

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To: The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
From: [Your Name]

AEP wants to increase electricity rates in 2024–on top of skyrocketing energy prices in 2023–and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio should deny these increases. AEP reaps billions in profits and should look at its bottom line before forwarding charges to Ohio consumers.

The Electric Security Plan AEP Ohio is proposing is unjust. This Commission should be focused on affordability and equity.

-Customer programs should help customers cut costs and help with community ownership of energy use, not increase AEP’s own assets and interests.

-Hundreds of millions of dollars for tree management, without more oversight, is unjust.

-Any opportunity for AEP to get money for dirty coal plants is unjust.

We need a better and more robust accounting of utilities in Ohio, and this needs to happen before rates are increased for Ohio consumers. The Public Utilities Commission shouldn’t allow greedy monopolies to take advantage of ratepayers.