Stop Exclusionary Zoning in South San Francisco

South San Francisco City Council

In the vast majority of residential South San Francisco, only one kind of home is permissible to build: detached standalone houses. This zoning scheme, often referred to as single-family zoning or R1 zoning, prohibits more affordable middle-housing choices like duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes (i.e., “plexes”). Currently, 72% of the city is zoned exclusively for detached single-family homes, creating invisible walls keeping out those who aren’t wealthy enough to afford this idealized kind of housing. These walls disproportionately exclude families of color who have had less access to multi-generational wealth-building due to explicitly racist (now illegal) housing practices including redlining, dispossession, and blockbusting. Today, implicitly racist exclusionary zoning harms us all by keeping essential workers priced out, forcing workers into long, climate-killing commutes, and worsening our already dire housing crisis.

Adding plexes city-wide will benefit everyone, particularly families with less wealth who would otherwise be locked out of neighborhoods. Middle-income renters would be particularly well-served by the new housing opportunities. However, homeowners would also benefit from additional flexibility to use their property to house parents, children, and grandchildren in comfortable multi-generational living arrangements.

Furthermore, homeowners would see increases in their property values as the capacity for more homes on their property is increased. While some neighbors fear that plexes will “destroy” the character of their neighborhood, evidence suggests otherwise. Plexes were actually built in South San Francisco prior to being banned and they already fit in harmoniously throughout the city. Without a policy shift to allow plexes, the only change we can anticipate in exclusionary neighborhoods is houses getting bigger and more expensive. Our communities desperately need more middle-class and workforce homes near jobs, schools, and transit. Let's re-legalize middle homes to help make the American dream of a safe, stable home accessible to families of all incomes!

Petition by
South San Francisco, California
Additional Sponsors

To: South San Francisco City Council
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned support legalizing missing middle housing citywide in South San Francisco. Currently, 72% of the city is zoned exclusively for detached single-family homes, banning the construction of more affordable multi-family choices including duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes. Allowing mid-sized and mid-priced homes to be constructed throughout the city will help to provide opportunities for the essential workers to live in the community they serve. Furthermore, middle housing would better serve the needs of South San Francisco residents across the lifespan, providing a path for young people to establish a foothold in the housing market while also enabling older residents to age in place. Adding to our housing diversity will help to ensure that South San Francisco remains a diverse and thriving city for decades to come.

As you consider specific policies regarding legalizing missing middle housing, we encourage you to consider allowing up to five homes to enable builders to create low-income opportunities. Additionally, allowing greater floor area for projects that include more homes will serve to incentivize building a fourplex instead of a McMansion. Finally, but importantly, it is vital that tenants be protected from displacement. Tenant-protecting demolition controls, rent stabilization, and tenant relocation assistance are urged as companions to upzoning.

Thank you so much for studying this important topic. We're hopeful that South San Francisco can serve as a leader in equitable and sustainable planning for the region.