Tesco: stop feeding deforestation


Tesco has a problem, and it doesn’t want you to know about it. Tesco is selling meat that is helping drive deforestation and threatening the home of the majestic jaguar in Brazil

The Amazon and other precious ecosystems are at a critical tipping point because of deforestation caused by the insatiable appetite for soy animal feed. Feed used to produce the meat sold on Tesco’s supermarket shelves. If companies like Tesco don’t act then these ecosystems could be lost forever.

Supermarkets like Tesco have links to companies responsible for driving deforestation and threatening the habitat of the jaguar. Tell Tesco to save the jaguar. Act now.

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To: Tesco
From: [Your Name]

Tesco is selling meat that is helping drive deforestation and threatening the home of the majestic jaguar in Brazil.

The Amazon and other precious ecosystems are at a critical tipping point because of deforestation caused by the insatiable appetite for soy animal feed. Feed used to produce the meat sold on Tesco’s supermarket shelves. If companies like Tesco don’t act then these ecosystems could be lost forever.

In a stroke of a pen, you could place tough new rules on your suppliers that would help end deforestation caused by animal feed.

Stop feeding deforestation, end deforestation and save the jaguar.