Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez


The proxy war in Ukraine has taken thousands of lives and caused a mass refugee crisis. The response from the U.S. government has been to send $80 billion in military aid to Ukraine. The answer to ending war is not funding it.

Continuing to prolong and escalate the war has led us to the threat of nuclear catastrophe. The preservation of life on Earth demands concessions and compromise to be made. We must push congress to take a diplomatic approach and end funding of War in Ukraine.

Petition by
Kayla Popuchet
Brooklyn, New York

To: Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez
From: [Your Name]

We are working class Americans concerned with congressional funding to support a proxy war in Ukraine while Americans continue to suffer economic hardship. We demand you lead the movement in congress to end military aid to Ukraine and facilitate negotiation discussions to bring peace back to Ukraine.

Americans are suffering housing and job insecurity, deteriorating transportation infrastructure, natural disasters, lack of universal medical care, and high costs for education all while our elected officials turn their backs on U.S. citizens to fund a war in Europe.

We demand that not another cent of U.S. taxpayer dollars be sent to Ukraine until Flint, MI and Jackson, MS have clean, drinkable water; until Puerto Rico is fully recovered after hurricane disasters; until Americans have free, affordable healthcare and education; until homelessness is eradicated. Our money must not be used to prolong the deaths of Ukrainians and Americans alike.

As a congresswoman, you have a duty to represent our interests first and foremost. That is why we call on you to end military aid to Ukraine and support peace negotiation discussions, so as to avoid any threats of nuclear war.