End The Water Tax
The Jersey City City Council

The Jersey City City Council
[Your Name]
We are concerned Jersey City residents who are appalled by the recent backdoor tax increase placed on our water bills. We are urging the City Council to vote in favor of the resolution introduced by Councilman Solomon and Lavarro that demands the refund and repeal of the water tax.
This tax harms working families and seniors. Because it is a “flat tax,” a family in a home worth $250K pays the exact same amount as a family in a $1M brownstone. Seniors on fixed incomes, who rely on a property tax rebate to stay in their homes, receive no such rebate to pay for the increase in their water bills.
Furthermore, this tax fails to deliver cleanliness to our streets.
We, the taxpayers, would like transparency and ask the City Council to vote in favor of the resolution introduced. We demand that this new backdoor tax be repealed and we demand a refund to all taxpayers on this unfair tax.
Write a letter to your city council representative and tell them to vote in favor of this resolution by visiting this link: https://bit.ly/StoptheWaterTax