Protect Flight Attendants from Passenger Harassment

Delta Air Lines Management

Delta Flight Attendants proudly wearing pins with their uniforms.

Not a Delta Flight Attendant? Click here for the community petition.

For decades, our flag pins have been a proud symbol of our aviation history and a bridge between cultures. But Delta Air Lines is now threatening this tradition with a policy change that disregards our pride and our rights. Instead of standing up against harassment, Delta made a shocking decision to bow to the demands of those who target Flight Attendants by changing policy: prohibiting all flag pins except for the USA flag.

This change not only violates Delta’s commitment to inclusivity, but also creates a chilling effect on any worker or passenger deemed “not American enough” by a hateful few. This sets a dangerous precedent that is both dehumanizing and harmful to Delta’s reputation and ability to do business both here and around the world. Where does this end?

By silencing workers and restricting their expressions of identity, Delta is betraying its own values and setting the stage for increased harassment and discrimination. This is not just about a pin or a picture—it’s about defending our dignity.

Read our Open Letter to Delta Management.

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To: Delta Air Lines Management
From: [Your Name]

We, the Flight Attendants of Delta Air Lines, refuse to be silent as our flying partners are harassed. It is again profoundly disheartening to witness Delta not only fail to condemn but seemingly encourage bigotry by ceding to the racist harassment of Delta Flight Attendants.

We demand an immediate address to the widespread harassment of Flight Attendants:

1. Protection for Crew Members: Leadership must issue an unambiguous statement that all employees deserve a safe and harassment-free work environment. Furthermore, Delta must implement the prohibition of non-consensual photography of crew members while on duty or in uniform.

2. A Retraction of the Pin Policy Change: Reverse the decision to ban flag pins that are not of the United States, and reinstate the policy allowing pins representing the flags of different nations.

3. Public Apology: Delta leadership must publicly apologize to the targeted crew members.

Delta must stop shifting the blame onto Flight Attendants who wear flag pins. Our pins are not the problem. Harassment, and Delta’s failure to stop it, are the problems.