Stop reckless new plans for coastal oil and gas drilling

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke

The U.S. Department of Interior announced they would open up nearly all United States waters to offshore oil drilling. Most parts of the outer continental shelf would be opened–rolling back existing protections, putting these sensitive marine environments and the species that live in them at risk of death or injury. Sea otters, orca whales, leatherback sea turtles, and dozens more marine mammals, reptiles, birds, and fish already subject to threats from deadly fishing nets and ocean pollution could be put in extreme peril under Secretary Zinke's plan.

Tell Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke that you do not support reckless oil and gas drilling and that he should focus his energy and time on finding clean, renewable energy sources and safeguarding our nation's wildlife and wild places.

To: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke
From: [Your Name]

Americans do not want coastal waters opened up to hazardous oil and gas drilling. Cancel any plans to reverse existing protections to allow energy companies to engage in risky oil and gas operations.