Stop this dark money group’s plot to silence voters

U.S. Congress

Caught on tape: Jessica Anderson -- the head of Heritage Action for America -- laying out in detail the shadowy group’s plot to silence eligible voters across the country.

First, they draft dangerous model bills that roll back voting options, discourage people from participating, and keep Black and Brown voters from having a voice in our democracy.

Then, they launder those bills through GOP state lawmakers -- “so it has that grassroots, from-the-bottom-up type of vibe,” in their words. And once introduced, their lobbyists and disinformation peddlers do all they can to make those anti-voter bills law.

That’s right: this group is shamelessly manipulating our legislative processes to shut vulnerable voters out of our democracy. And they’re using former president Trump’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election to fuel their efforts.

Worse yet, the video also reveals that Heritage Action for America plans to spend $24 million over the next two years in eight battleground states -- all to pass and defend laws that strip voters of their right to be heard.

We knew that taking away our rights was a big part of the far-right’s plan after Trump left office. But the scale and callousness with which they are executing this plot to suppress millions of voters is nothing short of horrifying.

Congress has an obligation to put a stop to it. That’s why we’re calling on every elected official to side with their constituents over dark money -- and support the For the People Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act, two bills that will protect voters’ right to be heard and limit wealthy special interests’ influence over our democracy.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

A recently leaked video reveals that the head of a right-wing dark money group bragged to a roomful of donors about crafting the outrageous new laws in states like Georgia and Florida that are designed to silence eligible voters.

Congress has a duty to put a stop to this blatant and shameful voter suppression. We call on our representatives to pass the For the People Act and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act -- which will protect voters from these partisan tactics and limit dark money’s hold on our democracy.