Stop Unfair Utility Charges Against Tenants at Southern Towers

Avi Shemesh

African Communities Together
Blue-collar communities are under attack.

Tenants across the country are facing increased housing insecurity and displacement as a result of exploitative practices by corporate landlords. At Southern Towers, in Alexandria, VA, tenants are paying hundreds more in utilities on top of rising rent prices. Families are even charged higher rates based on occupancy rates, rather than actual usage. These unfair utility practices are part of a broader pattern of activity that hinders immigrants' ability to build community, advance economically, and integrate.

By signing this petition, you join us in standing with tenants of Southern Towers and calling on landlord, CIM Group, to end excessive utility charges and high rent increases.

To: Avi Shemesh
From: [Your Name]

As a tenant at Southern Towers Apartments in Alexandria Virginia, I am writing to urge you to stop CIM's outrageous utility bill charges that make Southern Towers unaffordable for working families like mine

For years before CIM bought the complex, tenants only paid for water and trash, and the rest of the utilities were included with our rent. CIM now forces tenants to pay twice for utilities - both with higher rent and additional electric, gas, sewer, and administration fees.

We are paying hundreds more in utilities on top of rising rent. Tenants with families are charged higher rates based on occupancy instead of actual usage.

Southern Towers has been home to African immigrant families for decades. We want our community and families to thrive. We are tired of CIM pushing out hard-working families for profit. That is why we are coming together to move CIM to make Southern Towers affordable for working families.

CIM’s greed is destroying our community, and we are calling for CIM to stop the excessive utility charges and high rent increases.