Stop Union Busting In Logan County!

Logan County Commission

Let’s stand together against the Logan County Commissioners Office's refusal to negotiate with the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA). These commissioners promised to be union-friendly to get elected, but now they're ignoring the very workers who put them in office. UMWA retirees bring in $35 million each year to Logan County through their healthcare and pensions, showing just how important they are to our community.

Instead of keeping their promise to give workers a voice, the commissioners are wasting taxpayer money on anti-union efforts. We demand that they keep their word and support the hardworking people of Logan County. Join us in calling for an end to union-busting and the recognition of the UMWA. It’s time for the Logan County Commissioners to respect their workers and uphold their promises. Stop union-busting in Logan County now!

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To: Logan County Commission
From: [Your Name]

Dear Logan County Commissioners,

We, the undersigned, stand together in opposition to the Logan County Commissioners Office's refusal to negotiate with the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA). During your campaigns, you promised to support unions and be union-friendly, earning the trust and votes of many workers. Now, you are turning your back on the very individuals who helped put you in office.

UMWA retirees contribute $35 million annually to Logan County through their healthcare and pensions, highlighting their crucial role in our community’s economy and well-being. Despite this, you are choosing to spend taxpayer money on union-busting activities rather than honoring your commitment to give workers a voice.

We demand that you keep your promises and support the hardworking people of Logan County. We call for an immediate end to union-busting practices and the formal recognition of the UMWA. It is time for the Logan County Commissioners to respect their workers and uphold the values and commitments you once championed.

Stop union-busting in Logan County now!