Stop Unlimited Rent Increases: We Need Rent Control

City Council

Rents are rising beyond the means of most California residents. Nearly a quarter of renters (and in some metro areas, nearly half of renters) pay at least 50% of their income to their landlord. We need to pass new rent control and just cause for eviction ordinances and we need to strengthen existing rent control laws. Without rent control, tenants face unlimited rent increases and unregulated evictions. A movement is growing. The time is now to pass new protections for tenants and strengthen existing laws.

What is Rent Control?

  • Rent Control means that landlords cannot raise rents more than a reasonable percentage each year, based on a percentage of Consumer Price Index (inflation). To be effective, rent control laws also require “Just Cause for Eviction,” which means landlords cannot evict without a legitimate reason and landlords must pay relocation costs for “no fault” evictions.
  • Rent Control has a proven track record in 13 California cities, including Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco and East Palo Alto, to protect countless low income tenants from displacement.
  • Rent Control does not stop all displacement, but it has a huge impact in creating housing stability for renters and preventing displacement.
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To: City Council
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, urge cities in California to adopt rent control and just cause for eviction protections, and to strengthen existing rent control and just cause laws. These regulations are an important component to stop displacement and curb out-of-control rents in our communities.