Submit your comment to support heat protections for workers!

President Joe Biden, Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Lu, and Assistant Secretary of Labor Douglas Parker

Interfaith Power & Light: Putting Faith Into Action for a Safe Climate

This year, we’ve experienced the hottest days on record, and 2024 is projected to be the hottest year ever, as a result of fossil fuel pollution of God’s planet with climate-warming gasses. Our faith calls us to take special care of those who are most vulnerable. The workers who are most likely to be exposed to extreme heat - and most unlikely to be protected - are those who have the fewest resources to avoid dangerous job exposures. They are disproportionately low-wage earners, people of color, and immigrants.

These protections couldn’t come quickly enough. Extreme heat is already impacting communities across the country, including my community. It is crucial OSHA acts now to ensure climate-resilient and safe workplaces.
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Washington, DC

To: President Joe Biden, Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Lu, and Assistant Secretary of Labor Douglas Parker
From: [Your Name]

As a person of faith and conscience, I write to express my strong support for the Biden Administration’s recently proposed Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) standard, which would protect approximately 36 million workers from dangerous heat conditions fueled by climate change.

This year, we’ve experienced the hottest days on record, and 2024 is projected to be the hottest year ever, as a result of fossil fuel pollution of God’s planet with climate-warming gasses. Our faith calls us to take special care of those who are most vulnerable. The workers who are most likely to be exposed to extreme heat - and most unlikely to be protected - are those who have the fewest resources to avoid dangerous job exposures. They are disproportionately low-wage earners, people of color, and immigrants.

These protections couldn’t come quickly enough. Extreme heat is already impacting communities across the country, including my community. It is crucial OSHA acts now to ensure climate-resilient and safe workplaces.

The Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings rule will ensure that employers take measures to address excessive heat conditions, such as establishing requirements for rest breaks, drinking water, and training for the signs of heat-related illness, among other requirements, to advance workplace safety, as heat waves become more frequent due to climate change.

As people of faith and conscience, we are called to protect the dignity of each human person and the rights of workers. It is crucial OSHA acts now to ensure climate resilient and safe workplaces. I urge you to continue the progress made in climate resiliency and worker safety and finalize the proposed standard.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.