Sunnyvale Independent Redistricting Commission Petition

Sunnyvale City Council


To: Sunnyvale City Council
From: [Your Name]

Sunnyvale City Council Members,

I am a resident of Sunnyvale. I support establishing an Independent Redistricting Commission to draw the district lines from the 2020 census data. How city council district lines are drawn can determine whether city councilmembers are responsive to their constituents and whether communities feel truly represented by their city council. Well-drawn lines that take into account what community members want can inspire trust in government and increase representation for groups historically underserved. Gerrymandered lines that are designed to keep politicians in power can undermine trust in government and silence community voices.

Today, independent redistricting commissions are used in cities across California, including cities small, medium, and large. In fact, California established a statewide independent redistricting commission to draw our congressional, state senate, and state assembly districts over a decade ago, and states around the nation have been imitating California ever since.

Let’s ensure honest, fair and transparent redistricting in Sunnyvale with an Independent Redistricting Commission.

Concerned Residents