Support a Vote of the People to End the Electoral College and Require Fair Representation in Congress

Local and State Elected Officials

The United States government will never serve the American people until the people start choosing our leaders. The candidate who wins the popular vote for president should become president. The party that wins the popular vote in congressional elections should lead Congress. Sign this petition to tell your local and state elected officials to support a vote of the people to end the Electoral College and establish popular election of the president and proportional representation in Congress.

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To: Local and State Elected Officials
From: [Your Name]

The electoral system of the United States does not support government by consent of the governed. Our outdated and antidemocratic method of counting votes awards some voters more power than others, repeatedly subjecting us to the rule of presidents and congressional leaders who were rejected at the ballot box.

The challenges we face as a nation are too great to be met by leaders who do not share the values and goals of the people.

Whenever any form of government fails to operate by consent of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter it. That right is the founding principle of our nation, affirmed unambiguously in our founding document, the Declaration of Independence. Nothing in the United States Constitution purports to remove that right, nor could any constitution remove it. The right of the people to self-government is, in the language of the Declaration, unalienable.

The signers of this petition call on our local and state elected officials—those who represent us in our cities, towns, townships, boroughs, villages, counties, parishes, territories, and states—to

• call for a vote of the people of the United States as to whether to establish popular election of the president and proportional representation in Congress;

• work tirelessly with others who call for such a vote to bring that vote about, ensuring that it is conducted in a manner permitting the fullest possible participation of the people of the United States; and

• champion the will of the majority in that vote.

The people have the right to choose our leaders.