Support Affordable Prescription Drugs in Michigan!
Michigan Legislature
Hey there, Michigan resident! Are you concerned about the escalating costs of prescription drugs? It's time to take action. By signing our petition, you'll be championing the establishment of Prescription Drug Affordability Review Boards (PDABs) right here in Michigan. These boards act as watchdogs, ensuring that essential medications remain within reach for all of us. Your signature can be a step towards a healthier, more affordable future for every Michigander. Let's make sure no one has to choose between their health and their wallet. Sign today and stand up for fair drug prices!
Michigan Legislature
[Your Name]
Let's make sure no one has to choose between their health and their wallet.
Let's champion the establishment of Prescription Drug Affordability Review Boards (PDABs) right here in Michigan. These boards act as watchdogs, ensuring that essential medications remain within reach for all of us.