Support D'Youville Faculty!

President Lorrie Clemo and D'Youville Board of Trustees

The D’Youville faculty have been without raises since 2020 and their contract expired two years ago. Current contract negotiations have been ongoing for two and half years without a resolution. Six key areas of the contract remain unsettled, including: Medical Insurance, Tuition Remission, Paid Time Off, Short Term Disability, Intellectual Property, and Salary. Faculty frustration and anger has reached a peak, while morale is at one of its lowest points in memory.

Now is the time to show your support for the faculty!

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To: President Lorrie Clemo and D'Youville Board of Trustees
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, support D'Youville faculty in their demands for fair raises and benefits, and call upon you to seek a resolution to these negotiations by giving the faculty a fair contract immediately!