Support for Arizona SB1675: Free Menstrual Products in Schools

Arizona State Senators

Calling all menstrual equity advocates! This is not a drill. This is a busy legislative session with several bills regarding increasing access to period products being introduced. Senate Bill SB1675, sponsored by Senator Mitzi Epstein, which requires schools serving students in grades six through twelve to provide period products in all bathrooms, was heard by the Senate Education Committee February 15th and is moving into Appropriations. We need your support to move this bill to a floor vote. Visit our website at for more information about our organization.

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Phoenix, AZ

To: Arizona State Senators
From: [Your Name]

Makeshift period products. Interrupted classroom time. Missed education. This is the reality for so many students who menstruate, simply because they lack access to free and readily available period products.
Free toilet paper and soap are provided in every school bathroom as basic necessities for natural bodily functions. Yet, for those who menstruate similar resources aren’t provided, with dire consequences.

Free and easy access to period products is necessary for ensuring equal opportunity in education, particularly for students who are of color, from low-income households, or live in rural areas, as research has shown they are heavily impacted by the inability to access period products. Arizona students deserve the best opportunity to learn and access to menstrual products is vital to ensure not only their full participation in education, but also to maintain their health and dignity.

I support SB1675 and urge you to appropriate $1,000,000 to the Department of Education to make period products available in all women and gender neutral bathrooms in schools serving grades six through 12.

Menstruation should not stop education-period.