Support Housing at 2395 Sacramento Street!

San Francisco Planning Commission, San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission

The Housing Action Coalition, SF YIMBY and Northern Neighbors are proud to support 2395 Sacramento, an exciting project that will revitalize a historic site and bring 24 well-designed, transit-oriented homes to San Francisco’s Pacific Heights neighborhood.  

Some of the 2395 Sacramento highlights include:

1. Complimenting the neighborhood: The proposal will preserve and modernize a historic building. By transforming the underutilized building into family-oriented housing through creative urban design, the project will compliment and add to the surrounding neighborhood.

2. Adding Density: The project will utilize the state density bonus, bringing 24 homes of varying sizes and income levels to a high-resource neighborhood.

3. Great Land Use and Alternative Transportation: Located in a transit rich area, residents of the building will have access to several Muni stops. The project also includes 42 bike parking spaces, exceeding city requirements, and underscoring a commitment to alternative transit options.

Learn more about the project here, and thank you for signing the petition and voicing your support for these new homes!

Additional Sponsors
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA

To: San Francisco Planning Commission, San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission
From: [Your Name]

Dear Planning Commissioners,

I'm writing to express my strong support for bringing new homes to 2395 Sacramento as the project will add ​much-needed infill housing to the San Francisco's Pacific Heights neighborhood. ​

The project team has exhibited tremendous thoughtfulness in creating a well-designed, and well-located project. Some highlights of the project include:

1. Complimenting the neighborhood: The proposal will preserve and modernize a historic building. By transforming the underutilized building into family-oriented housing through creative urban design, the project will compliment and add to the surrounding neighborhood.​

2. Adding Density: The project will utilize the state density bonus, bringing 24 homes of varying sizes and income levels to a high-resource neighborhood.

3. Great Land Use and ​Alternative ​Transportation: Located in a transit rich area, residents of the building will have access to several Muni stops. The project also includes 42 bike parking spaces, exceeding city requirements, and underscoring a commitment to alternative transit options.

I urge you to approve this wonderful project so we can add desparately needed housing to San Francisco!