Support Immigrant Workers facing Retaliation by Marano Company

Anthony Marano Company


Immigrant workers are uniting to win living wages and respect for their rights at Anthony Marano Company, a major produce distributor in Chicago.

Hundreds of workers at Anthony Marano Company work six to seven days a week to provide for their families. Even the most senior workers make close to the minimum wage. We are uniting to win a union contract that provides living wages, affordable healthcare, and union representation for all workers at the company.

The company has responded by threatening to fire any worker who participates in organizing for our rights. Last week, management followed through on their threat and fired Juan Vargas, a 22-year employee and a leader in our organizing efforts. Juan has been left without health insurance for his young kids and wife, who is pregnant.

Please sign this petition to tell management to reinstate Juan Vargas and to negotiate a fair contract that pays living wages, affordable healthcare, and union representation for all workers at Marano.


Trabajadores inmigrantes se están uniendo para ganar salarios dignos y respeto por sus derechos en Anthony Marano Company, una distribuidora de productos agrícolas en Chicago.

Cientos de trabajadores de Anthony Marano Company trabajan de seis a siete días a la semana para mantener a sus familias. Incluso los trabajadores con senioría ganan cerca del salario mínimo. Estamos unidos para ganar un contrato con salarios dignos, seguro médico asequible y representación sindical para todos los trabajadores de la empresa.

La empresa respondió con amenazas de despedir a cualquier trabajador que participe en la organización por nuestros derechos. La semana pasada, la gerencia cumplió con su amenaza y despidió a Juan Vargas, un empleado de 22 años y líder en nuestros esfuerzos de organización. Juan ha perdido su seguro médico para sus hijos pequeños y su esposa, quien está embarazada.

Firme esta petición para decirle a la gerencia de Marano que reincorpore a Juan Vargas y negocie un contrato justo que pague salarios dignos, seguro médico asequible y representación sindical para todos los trabajadores en Marano.
Petition by
Liana Kallman
Brooklyn, New York

To: Anthony Marano Company
From: [Your Name]

I am writing to express my concern about Anthony Marano's mistreatment of hundreds of immigrant employees in Chicago.

Last week, management at Anthony Marano fired Juan Vargas, a 22-year employee and a leader in workers' organizing efforts.

I stand with Juan Vargas and all workers at Anthony Marano Company in their efforts to win a union contract that provides living wages, affordable healthcare, respect for their rights, and union representation for all workers at Marano.

I call on Anthony Marano Company to reinstate Juan Vargas, end all retaliation, and negotiate a fair union contract that provides living wages, affordable healthcare, and union representation for all employees.