Support Jobs for All

US Congress

Despite progress on job creation, countless communities across our nation continue to face an employment crisis. There are currently around 20 million Americans who are either unemployed, under-employed, or have given up looking for work. This crisis disproportionately burdens communities of color, as the black unemployment rate is consistently double that of white Americans. To attack this problem at the root, Congressman John Conyers, Jr. has once again introduced his signature bill, H.R. 1000 "The Humphrey Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment And Training Act," which would fund direct jobs creation and jobs training so anyone who is willing and able to work could have a job at a livable wage.

This New Deal-inspired bill would establish the National Full Employment Trust Fund to create employment opportunities for the unemployed—a national public service jobs program to complement job creation efforts. That means anyone who was willing and able to work would have access to a job or job training, while our communities would reap immense benefits in the form of renovation and community-oriented modernization and development. The bill, which is funded by a small tax on Wall Street speculation, would employ Americans in projects such as the renovation of housing and schools, infrastructure repair, expanding access to broadband and wireless Internet, neighborhood beautification projects, among many other community initiatives in the health and education sectors.

We feel a real sense of urgency to address the unemployment crisis faced by many communities, and are excited to work with Congressman Conyers on the bill. As Rep. Conyers explains:

“President Obama has made great strides in job creation, but there are still tens of millions of Americans seeking full-time employment and a livable wage,” Conyers said. “While the official unemployment rate has dropped, there are still tens of millions of Americans who want full time work. In neighborhoods in my hometown of Detroit—as in many urban and rural communities throughout the country—the unemployment rate remains above 25 percent. The direct job creation strategy in H.R.1000 is the only proven way to ensure that millions of American workers are not stuck on the sidelines of this economic recovery.”

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To: US Congress
From: [Your Name]

We feel a real sense of urgency to address the unemployment crisis faced by many communities, and are excited to work with Congressman Conyers on the bill. As Rep. Conyers explains:

“President Obama has made great strides in job creation, but there are still tens of millions of Americans seeking full-time employment and a livable wage,” Conyers said. “While the official unemployment rate has dropped, there are still tens of millions of Americans who want full time work. In neighborhoods in my hometown of Detroit—as in many urban and rural communities throughout the country—the unemployment rate remains above 25 percent. The direct job creation strategy in H.R.1000 is the only proven way to ensure that millions of American workers are not stuck on the sidelines of this economic recovery.”