Support Karl Ferrell, a Joliet Township Trustee

Illinois Governor Pritzker and State Attorney Glasgow

In April 2021, Karl Ferrell won a seat as a Joliet Township Trustee. At the same time, Karl has been advocating on the frontlines as an activist in the Joliet chapter of Black Lives Matter. Although political representatives have been historically praised for supporting the communities they serve, Karl is now under attack for doing that very thing. Karl led a demonstration outside the State’s Attorney’s office last year to protest the decision not to charge police in the death of Eric Lurry while in police custody. Shortly after the protest, State Attorney James Glasgow called for Karl’s resignation, citing his past convictions.

As an abolitionist organization, we believe that having a criminal record should not strip you of your rights, nor should it exclude you from holding public office. Karl was placed on the ballot uncontested in November 2020 and after winning the election served as Joliet Township Trustee for 8 months prior to being asked to resign, and we cannot overlook the ironic timing of the protest and Attorney Glasgow's call for resignation as a coincidence. We are calling it out plainly as a racial and political smear campaign.

Join us in defense of Black lives as we demand that Karl Ferrell retain his seat as Joliet Township Trustee and that Governor Pritzker grant a complete restoration of rights to Karl despite Glasgow's efforts to remove him.

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To: Illinois Governor Pritzker and State Attorney Glasgow
From: Richard Wallace Solomon Johnson

Governor Pritzker and Attorney Glasgow,

I am writing you to support Karl Ferrell, a Joliet Township Trustee. I believe that having a criminal record should not strip you of your rights, nor should it exclude you from holding public office. Karl has successfully served in his position as a trustee for six months, and I cannot overlook the ironic timing of the protest and Attorney Glasgow's call for resignation as a coincidence. I am calling it out plainly as a racial and political smear campaign. I demand that Karl Ferrell retain his seat as Joliet Township Trustee and that Karl is granted a complete restoration of rights with the support of you two.