Support Law360 Union Journalists On Strike

Law360 Management

Law360 members practice picketing

Law360 unit members are continuing to fight management’s unfair labor practices and for a fair contract and have walked out on an ULP strike. The members of the Law360 union have been bargaining over a second contract with LexisNexis and Law360 management since Nov. 17, 2022, and are fed up with the company’s ULPs and attempts to shortchange them on wages while saddling them with ballooning healthcare costs. The company has committed numerous ULPs, including mid-negotiation layoffs and unilateral changes to healthcare plans, resulting in the union filing charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

Support us by pledging below to honor our digital picket line and not engage with (e.g. read, provide comment for, publish on, pitch) while we’re on a ULP strike.

To: Law360 Management
From: [Your Name]

I support the members of Law360 Union and pledge to honor their digital picket line and not engage with while they’re on a ULP strike.