Support Maritime Academy Cruise Faculty

President Mike Dumont

Dear President Dumont,

The CFA Maritime bargaining team has been meeting with the chancellor’s bargaining team to negotiate the Memorandum of Understanding for cruise-faculty compensation. Our license cruise faculty members play a pivotal role in shaping the future of maritime professionals, and their expertise deserves to be recognized with fair compensation. Our license cruise faculty go on cruise for sixty-five days, away from their family, to give CSMA students a comprehensive learning experience, leading to United States Coast Guard (USCG) Licensing as Deck and Engine Officers for the United States Merchant Marine.

Our current negotiation for a Memorandum of Understanding related to cruise-faculty is requesting the following:

1)    Faculty members hired on one Training Cruise calendar to be paid at a rate of 50% of their academic year base salary up to the maximum of the salary range in effect for their rank and classification.

2)    Faculty assigned for extra work onboard be paid extra pay for their extra work.

3)    The Engine Program Coordinator and the Deck Program Coordinators who do additional responsibilities like scheduling and coordinating student training activities, organizing in-port faculty/staff watches and mooring assignments, coordinating with ship staff when necessary, mentoring lecturer faculty, and overseeing all academic and STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) activities be paid at least US $6000 for the 65-day Training Cruise period (a rate that is less than  $100 per day).

4)    Faculty members who are scheduled to work onboard during any U.S. federal or California State holiday receive double their daily rate for that day of work—holiday pay for holiday work.

Campus presidents have the power to tell the Chancellor to settle a fair contract. Therefore, we respectfully request your support for the current negotiations for a Memorandum of Understanding related to cruise-faculty compensation. By ensuring fair compensation that can attract and retain the quality of faculty our cruise mission deserves, and our students are paying for, we can foster a supportive and sustainable environment that empowers our faculty to continue delivering high-quality education and training.

Signed by:

1) Aparna Sinha, MA

2) Peter Hayes, MA

3) Meghan O'Donnell, Faculty, Monterey Bay

4) Oscar Santillo, Fremont

5) Shelly-Ann Collin Rawle, Long Beach

6) Kevin Calnan, MA

7) John Beynon, Faculty, Fresno

8) Kathryn Marocchino, MA

9) Zachary Nosker, MA

10) Zoe Verlack, MA

11) Christine Isakson, MA

12) David Satterwhite, MA

13) Michael Kazek, MA

14) Anthony McDevitt, MA

15) Taiyo Inoue, MA

16) Jordan Taylor, MA

17) Valerie Holl-McGowan, MA

18) Ian Wallace, MA

19) Michael Dybvik, MA

20) Keir Moorhead, MA

21) Thoman Nordelholz, MA

22) Scott Green, MA

23) Margaret Ward, MA

24) Britt Elliott, MA

25) Oliver Berghof, MA

26) Thomas Trice, Faculty, Cal Poly

27) Maya Dosch, Faculty, Sac State

28) Anton Peshkov, Faculty, Fullerton

29) Maureen Loughram, San Francisco

30) Suzanne Soule, Fauclty, Channel Island

31) Houa Vang, Faculty, Fresno

32) Phi Loan Le, Faculty, Long Beach

33) Matthew Adolf-Weidenholf, Washington

34) Brittany Kammerer, Faculty, Sac State

35) Foaad Khosmood, Faculty, Cal Poly

36) Scott Bolman, Faculty, Fullerton

37) Julie Simons, MA

38) Tamara Burback, MA

39) Steven Runyon, MA

40) Joshua Cosgrove, MA

41) Nick Lewis, MA

42) James Christian, MA

43) Laurie Borchard, MA

44) Katherine Luce, MA

45) Amy Parsons, MA

46) Sam Pearson, MA

Petition by
Sacramento, California

To: President Mike Dumont
From: [Your Name]

CFA Maritime Academy