Support more homes for all in Oakland's Housing Element!
City of Oakland Officials
Over the course of the next year, the City of Oakland will be drafting its Housing Element - a plan to build its share of housing over the next eight years.
Oakland will not only decide how to build the housing we need, but whether we will do so in a way that achieves our equity and environmental sustainability goals.
Join the Housing Action Coalition, East Bay for Everyone, East Bay YIMBY, Greenbelt Alliance, and SPUR as we urge Oakland decision makers to create a plan that:
Streamlines housing approvals to reduce building costs and make new homes available for residents sooner.
Pursues an Affordable Housing Overlay policy to ensure homes for those who need them most.
Changes zoning to encourage new housing in affluent, high-resource, and low vehicle miles traveled (VMT) areas that are currently zoned low-density and have been historically exclusionary.
Develops without displacement to ensure strong protections for residents of Oakland's rent-controlled multifamily housing.
Provides opportunities for longtime and multi-generational Oaklanders to realize the increased value of their property without having to sell their property and leave the city.
Creates more ADA accessible, family-sized, and deed-restricted affordable homes.
Ensures zoning changes that create more walkability and transit accessibility necessary to help achieve our climate goals.
Increases density within existing communities in non-high fire severity zones and away from flood zones.
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City of Oakland Officials
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To our City of Oakland representatives,
As you know, we are in the midst of a severe housing shortage that is driving dual crises of affordability and displacement, as well as contributing to our climate crisis. Over the next year, we look forward to working with city staff and all stakeholders to ensure Oakland's Housing Element addresses and alleviates these crises.
In order to ensure better outcomes for all Oaklanders, we urge you to create and implement a Housing Element that:
- Streamlines housing approvals to reduce building costs and make new homes available for residents sooner.
- Pursues an Affordable Housing Overlay policy to ensure homes for those who need them most.
- Changes zoning to encourage new housing in affluent, high-resource, and low vehicle miles traveled (VMT) areas that are currently zoned low-density and have been historically exclusionary.
- Develops without displacement to ensure strong protections for residents of Oakland's rent-controlled multifamily housing.
- Provides opportunities for longtime and multi-generational Oaklanders to realize the increased value of their property without having to sell their property and leave the city.
- Creates more ADA accessible, family-sized, and deed-restricted affordable homes.
- Ensures zoning changes that create more walkability and transit accessibility necessary to help achieve our climate goals.
- Increases density within existing communities in non-high fire severity zones and away from flood zones.
Thank you for consideration and we look forward to working with you to build a more affordable, diverse, and inclusive Oakland.