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New Hampshire Legislature

Add your name to urge the New Hampshire legislature to reject "Right to Work".

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To: New Hampshire Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Our businesses depend on the economic health of the local community and a strong middle class. We believe that, if passed, the current legislation to weaken standard worker protections and turn New Hampshire into a so-called “Right to Work” state will drive down wages, erode our quality of life and interfere with the flexibility that New Hampshire employers need to negotiate mutually-beneficial workplace agreements with their employees.

We strongly support the true New Hampshire advantage: a highly trained and skilled workforce, thriving communities and a vibrant middle class. We oppose any efforts to weaken this, the foundation of our state’s economy.

We urge the legislature to reject "Right to Work" and instead pursue sound economic proposals that strengthen our workforce and provide for the creation of good jobs with benefits for the working families in our communities. Our businesses, and our state’s economy, depend on it.