Support Organic Land Care on City of Missoula Public Property!

City of Missoula

Outdoor public spaces are a vital component of Missoula's active lifestyle. Missoula Parks and Recreation manages over 4,000 acres of public land. We ask Missoula residents to sign on in support of the organic pilot program at McCormick and Community parks while asking our City Council to adopt an official organic land care policy for all Missoula municipal parks, playgrounds, open spaces, and other properties.

This is an important step toward making Missoula a "non toxic" city. Organic land care eliminates toxic, synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Communities across the country—including Irvine, California (with an award winning organic IPM program), Harvard University, and most recently New York City—are stopping routine pesticide applications. Nearby, Spokane, Washington, is also initiating an organic pilot program.

Safe, effective, and proven alternatives exist!

Missoula Parks and Recreation is essential to the quality and way of life for individuals, families, community, and the environment.” Eliminating toxic pesticide use by adopting organic land care is an opportunity to live up to these standards set forth in the Parks and Recreation Guiding Mission:

  • Promoting health and wellness

  • Protecting the environment

  • Ensuring all people feel safe, welcome, and valued

The most recent 2023 records request from the City of Missoula lists multiple toxic pesticides used on municipal lands. These include:

  • Trimec Lawn Weed Killer - 2,4-D, Dicamba, Mecoprop-p

  • Interline - Glufosinate-ammonium

  • Makaze – Glyphosate

  • Gallery SC - Isoxaben

  • Dimension 2 EW - Dithiopyr

  • Tordon - Picloram, 2,4-D

  • Milestone - Aminopyralid

  • Patriot - Metsulfuron methyl

The Precautionary Principle states that “when an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically. In this context the proponent of an activity, rather than the public, should bear the burden of proof.”

Adopting Organic Land Care safeguards human, animal, and environmental health by eliminating toxic, synthetic pesticides and embracing regenerative, sustainable practices that improve soil & plant robustness.

Add your name in support of eliminating toxic pesticides on City of Missoula property, by asking decision makers to adopt an official organic land care policy for all Missoula municipal parks, playgrounds, open spaces, and other properties.

Grow Safe: Non Toxic Missoula is a group of concerned residents seeking to end the use of toxic pesticides to protect public health and the environment. We believe outdoor spaces should be cared for in a way that does no harm to human, animal, or environmental health. We have partnered with Non Toxic Communities and are working with Beyond Pesticides to advance our mission. Click on the logo below to visit our website and learn more.

Thanks to Green Lifestyles Network & Non Toxic Communities for hosting this petition for our campaign.

Petition by
Non Toxic Communities
Newport Beach, California
Sponsored by

To: City of Missoula
From: [Your Name]

I am signing to show my full support and gratitude for the organic pilot program at McCormick and Community parks. Thank you! Our public lands should be free of toxic pesticides to protect the health of all Missoula residents, including vulnerable communities, as well as our air, water and soil, building a legacy for future generations.

I support the adoption of an official organic land care policy for all Missoula municipal parks, playgrounds, open spaces, and other properties.