Support Quality Interpreters

Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle and Chief Judge Timothy Evans

Cook County residents who do not speak English deserve to have the most qualified court interpreters to represent them in the Cook County court system to ensure that their civil rights under Title VI are protected. The Cook County court interpreters are among the lowest paid in similar jurisdictions across the country.

Please tell Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle and Chief Judge Circuit Court of Cook County Timothy Evans that our county interpreters deserve a better wage. Communications Workers of America has put on the bargaining table for many months a proposal to pay court interpreters a wage that would attract and retain the quality court interpreters that our community deserves.

You can examine the Cook County court interpreters' pay scales here:

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To: Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle and Chief Judge Timothy Evans
From: [Your Name]

Cook County residents who do not speak English deserve to have the most qualified court interpreters to represent them in the Cook County court system to ensure that their civil rights under Title VI are protected. The Cook County court interpreters are among the lowest paid in similar jurisdictions across the country.

Our county interpreters deserve a better wage. Please support the Communications Workers of America's proposal to pay court interpreters a wage that would attract and retain the quality court interpreters that our community deserves.