Support the Gift Ban for Supreme Court Justices

U.S. Congress

Supreme Court justices have accepted substantial, unreported gifts from parties with interests before the court. Now, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamie Raskin have introduced the High Court Gift Ban Act to combat this corruption. The act prohibits justices from receiving gifts valued over $50, with an aggregate limit of $100 annually.

This is about the integrity of our democracy. It's a critical step toward aligning the ethical standards of Supreme Court justices with those of other federal officials, ensuring impartiality and accountability. When justices accept lavish gifts, our trust in the judicial system erodes, leaving the fabric of our society vulnerable.

Sign the petition to support the High Court Gift Ban Act and help restore public trust in our judiciary.

The current practices of the Supreme Court exemplify the systemic corruption that threatens democratic processes. Justices' acceptance of large gifts undermines public trust and integrity, posing a serious threat to our democratic norms.

This legislation aims to align the ethical standards of Supreme Court justices with those of Members of Congress and other federal officials, closing loopholes that currently allow for significant gift acceptance. By enforcing stricter ethical standards, the High Court Gift Ban Act seeks to ensure that judicial decisions are free from undue influence, thus supporting fair and impartial governance.

The issue at hand is not just about gifts; it's about ensuring that our democratic processes remain robust and that our judiciary operates with integrity. This legislation has garnered support from advocacy groups like Accountable.US and the League of Conservation Voters, emphasizing the urgent need for reform.

Sign the petition to support the High Court Gift Ban Act and stand with us in demanding higher ethical standards for our Supreme Court justices.

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

Sign the petition to support the High Court Gift Ban Act.