Support the project at Stonestown Mall!
San Francisco Planning Commission
The Housing Action Coalition and SF YIMBY are proud to support the exciting proposal to develop a mixed-use neighborhood at Stonestown Mall. The project will bring 3,500 well-designed, transit-oriented homes to the west side of San Francisco!
Some of the project's highlights include:
1. Exemplary Land Use - The project will innovatively transform the current Stonestown Mall by developing an underutilized surface level parking into housing, retail space, and open space. The project will also make substantial enhancements to the surrounding streets to improve traffic flow, biking safety, and walkability.
2.Increased Density - The project will add 3,500 new homes to San Francisco. This will include a wide variety of homes ranging from townhomes to dense multi-story buildings with a mix of rental, for-sale, market rate, and affordable housing options.
3. Transit Rich Location - The site is well-served by multiple bus lines, and is adjacent to the Muni M line. The project will include substantial bicycle parking, underscoring a commitment to environmentally friendly forms of transportation.
You can learn about the project here.
Thank you for signing the petition and voicing your support for this exciting new project!
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San Francisco Planning Commission
[Your Name]
Dear Planning Commissioners,
I'm writing to express my strong support for the Stonestown Mall proposal.
This exciting proposal will add much needed housing to San Francisco's west side, along with a variety of public-serving amenities. Some of the project's many highlights include:
Exemplary Land Use - The project will innovatively transform the current Stonestown Mall by developing an underutilized surface level parking into housing, retail space, and open space. The project will also make substantial enhancements to the surrounding streets to improve traffic flow, biking safety, and walkability.
Increased Density - The project will add 3,500 new homes to San Francisco. This will include a wide variety of homes ranging from townhomes to dense multi-story buildings with a mix of rental, for-sale, market rate, and affordable housing options.
Transit Rich Location - The site is well-served by multiple bus lines, and is adjacent to the Muni M line. The project will include substantial bicycle parking, underscoring a commitment to environmentally friendly forms of transportation.
For all these and many other reasons, I urge you to support these new homes in San Francisco.