SUPPORT the TX Recovery Platform!
The Recovery Advocacy Project of Texas has spent time hosting a number of listening sessions with people in recovery, their allies and family to create this platform. Sessions were also held for Spanish speaking populations in Texas to add to this platform.
Individuals like yourself from all over Texas are standing up together to support the platform.
Add your name today!
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[ 2021 Texas Platform Flyer.1. Equitable Access: Culturally competent recovery services.Increased access to harm reduction services. Non - discriminatory access to housing, employment and services to underserved communities. Safeguarding the rights of all individuals who struggle with substance use disorder. 2. Housing: Expanding access to justice involved individuals. Implementing and enforcing standards for safe, affordable and effective recovery housing. Non- discriminatory access to housing for individuals using medically assisted treatment pathways. 3. Recovery Support Services: Elevating and expanding Recovery Community Organizations.Increasing utilization of Peer Recovery Support Specialists. Supporting and embracing all pathways of recovery.For more information on how to get involved please visit or]
El Proyecto de Abogacía para la Recuperación de Texas (Recovery Advocacy Project of Texas), en asociación con la Coalición de Recuperación de Texas (Recovery Coalition of Texas), ha pasado tiempo organizando sesiones para escuchar a las personas en recuperación, sus aliados, y familiares para crear esta plataforma. También hubo sesiones para que las poblaciones de habla hispana en Texas se sumen a esta plataforma.
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As a person in recovery, family member, or supporter of recovery I proudly endorse the TX RECOVERY PLATFORM!
Actions and campaigns will be prioritized around Equitable Access, Housing, and Recovery Support Service.
This platform was created after listening to people from many pathways in recovery sharing their experiences and barriers they are facing in communities all across South Carolina. Recovery Advocacy Project also heard from a lot of family members, harm reduction advocates, mental health communities, and the Spanish speaking population.
The recovery communities' presence and message add value to every decision being made involving our health, purpose, and community.
Today, I am joining others in the Recovery Community to have my voice heard and stand up for recovery by endorsing this support statement around the TX Recovery Platform.