Support Tuition Equity in MA!

Massachusetts Legislature


Currently, in MA undocumented students are considered international students and have to pay out-of-state tuition rates to go to public colleges/universities. Additionally, undocumented students are not eligible for state financial aid. Out-of-state tuition rates are double (or even four times) the amount of in-state tuition rates, creating a systemic financial barrier that has left a significant amount of the immigrant population without the opportunity to continue their education.


Three bills, S.817, S.836, and H.1281, are currently before the Legislature, as well as in the Senate Budget, S.2400, which is presently before the conference committee which all propose a solution to this problem. If passed, either through the state budget or legislature, these bills would allow undocumented students to qualify for in-state tuition at MA public colleges and universities if they've attended a MA high school for at least three years and graduated or obtained their GED here. The Senate bills would also extend eligibility for state financial aid. At least 23 other states and D.C. have already implemented policies to provide in-state tuition to undocumented students, and 17 states and D.C. have also extended state financial aid.

Join us in the fight for Tuition Equity and take action with us!

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To: Massachusetts Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Education is an undeniable human right that holds the power to transform lives. Sadly, in Massachusetts, thousands of undocumented students face a distressing reality after completing high school. Their dreams of pursuing higher education are hindered as they are ineligible for in-state tuition rates and state financial aid due to their immigration status. This systemic financial barrier perpetuates an unjust situation, leaving a significant portion of the immigrant population without the opportunity to fulfill their aspirations.

We recognize the immense potential that education has as a catalyst for positive change. It serves as a crucial stepping stone out of poverty and empowers young individuals and families to actively participate in and contribute to their communities even more. However, the current situation denies many talented students the chance to access higher education. To rectify this, it is essential that higher education becomes equally accessible to all residents of the state, regardless of their immigration status.

It is heartening to know that 23 other states and the District of Columbia have already taken action to address this issue, creating opportunities for more students to pursue their educational dreams. Following their lead, we should strive to respect, protect, and fulfill the obligation of ensuring the right to education for everyone, removing barriers that hinder accessibility.

The rising cost of higher education in our state places an increasing burden on families year by year. Therefore, it becomes more crucial than ever to provide in-state tuition rates and state financial aid to all Massachusetts students, irrespective of their immigration status. By doing so, we make an honorable and sustainable investment in our Commonwealth's future, fostering a well-educated and skilled population that will drive progress and prosperity for all. Let us come together and take the necessary steps to unlock the transformative power of education for everyone, ensuring a brighter and more inclusive future for our beloved state.