Support $25/hour minimum wage for bank workers

Big Bank CEO’s

What if jobs for everyday bank workers became a race to the top instead of a race to the bottom? That's the idea behind pushing for all bank workers to make at least $25/hour.

Big banks have seen record profits this year, but it is frontline workers who drove the success and soldiered on through a global pandemic to ensure communities could continue to function and have access to essential financial services, all while enduring intense stress from increasingly high - and often unattainable - sales goals and performance metrics. So rather than pass these profits onto CEOs through questionable stock buyback schemes, let's support the good jobs our communities need by calling for a $25/hour minimum wage across the major banks!

This isn't an unattainable goal. Bank of America has already committed to raising wages to $25/hour by 2025, after having already raised their minimum wage to $20/hour in 2020. Let’s make your bank the next one!

Join with your coworkers across the banking industry in calling on all our big banks to commit to a $25/hour minimum wage!

The Committee for Better Banks is a coalition of bank workers, community and consumer advocacy groups, and labor organizations coming together to improve conditions in the bank industry. We work to end unreasonable sales goals, for just wages, career paths and job security for front-line bank workers.

To: Big Bank CEO’s
From: [Your Name]

Frontline bank workers deserve a raise!

Whether at bank branches, call centers or working remotely, hundreds of thousands of frontline bank workers soldiered on through the pandemic to ensure customers and communities could continue to function through access to essential financial services, all while enduring intense stress from increasingly high - and often unattainable - sales goals and performance metrics.

The economy is opening back up. Jobs are returning. Banks are able to release loan loss reserves from the pandemic. Bank stock prices are up. Bank profits are skyrocketing.

Instead of devoting the bulk of bank profits to stock buybacks, it is time to raise the minimum wage for frontline bank workers to $25 an hour. Investing in frontline workers will increase productivity, decrease turnover, and decrease stress by providing livable wages.

Raising the minimum wage for frontline bank workers to $25 an hour is good for the banking industry, good for customers, good for communities, good for the economy and good for workers and their families.