Suspend Rent, Mortgage & Utility Payments During the Coronavirus Pandemic

United States Congress

Americans owe a total of $57 billion in back rent as of January 2021 -- on average families are almost four months behind! Unless the government offers major relief, there will be no way most families can recover. That’s why we need to cancel rent to help millions of families get back on their feet.

Add your name and call on Congress to cancel rent and issue a full moratorium on evictions for the duration of this crisis.

To: United States Congress
From: [Your Name]

With each passing day, the housing crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic grows increasingly worse. It is impacting tenants and homeowners across the country.

We call on Congress to implement an immediate suspension of rent, mortgage, and utility payments, and a full moratorium on evictions/foreclosures until this public health crisis has subsided.