Take a Stand Against Violence in the Workplace

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration

Workplace violence is a major safety and health problem for working people. Every day, nurses and other health care workers are assaulted; retail and taxi drivers are killed; teachers are attacked. Each year, hundreds of working people are victims of workplace homicide. Tens of thousands suffer serious injuries from assaults by patients and clients, often leaving workers physically and emotionally scarred for life. These deaths and assaults are foreseeable and preventable.

In January, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) committed to developing a workplace violence standard to protect working people from violence on the job. The agency is now collecting information on why a standard is needed and how best to protect workers.

Sign the petition to tell OSHA and the Trump administration to keep their pledge to working people and develop a workplace violence standard. We’ll deliver your signature and comments to OSHA before the comment deadline on April 4.

If you would like to share your story, please use the "Comments" box in the form.

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Washington, DC

To: The Occupational Health and Safety Administration
From: [Your Name]

Workplace violence is a major safety and health problem. Each year, hundreds of workers are victims of workplace homicide. Tens of thousands suffer serious injuries from assaults by patients and clients, often leaving workers physically and emotionally scarred for life. These deaths and assaults are foreseeable and preventable.

It is time for this administration to keep its promise to working people. It is time for federal OSHA to develop a strong, comprehensive workplace violence standard to protect workers. Keep us safe on the job.