Take the End Gerrymandering Maryland Pledge
My fellow Marylanders

In our democracy, voters get to choose who holds office to represent them. But gerrymandering flips that on its head -- letting politicians manipulate their legislative districts so they can pick and choose their own voters.
It's time for a change. Elected officials, candidates for office, advocates, public figures, and ordinary Americans are standing together to take the End Gerrymandering Maryland Pledge -- to show their unified support for our right to fair representation and a meaningful choice when we go to the polls.
You can join thousands of your fellow Marylanders in speaking out for what's right -- by adding your name to the End Gerrymandering Maryland Pledge today!
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My fellow Marylanders
[Your Name]
I pledge to support and advance fair redistricting that is transparent, non-discriminatory, and politically impartial.