Take Out the Trash: Clean Up the Democratic Party
The Democratic Party

In 2024, the leadership of the Democratic Party failed the American People.
Working class communities are leaving the Party for the failed ideologies of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, corporate elites continue to dominate the Democratic Party by endorsing bad policies, bad candidates, and bad campaigns. And pro-Israel lobbying groups push an agenda of genocide while destroying the careers of Democrats who speak boldly for workers' interests at home and a foreign policy anchored in human rights.
If we want Democratic candidates and campaigns that can win elections and advance the human condition, we need to clean up the Democratic Party.
Please take the first step by signing this petition and joining our campaign. We have a big fight ahead of us -- and we need your help.
The Democratic Party
[Your Name]
We call on the Democratic Party to end its culture of defeat and make the following dramatic reforms:
1. Start Naming the Enemy: Corporate and Financial Elites.
The American working class has long been undermined by those who represent the interests of concentrated wealth. America’s corporate elites block unions, outsource U.S. jobs, cut benefits, and squeeze as much “profitability” as they can out of America’s workers.
The Democratic Party must start explicitly naming, shaming, and blaming the corporate elites who are harming the American working class. Otherwise, Donald Trump and his successors will continue to win elections with their false promises and poisonous solutions.
2. Kick Out the Corporate Hacks.
The Democratic Party is run and advised by the very same corporate elites who benefit from the exploitation of the American working class. The chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2024 is former corporate lobbyist Jaime Harrison. One of Kamala Harris’ top campaign advisors was Tony West, her brother-in-law and the senior vice president of Uber. These individuals push an agenda that ignores the working class and advances the interests of America’s financial and corporate elites.
3. Say Goodbye to Bill, Hillary, and Barack.
Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama all have a long history of undermining progressive and populist movements in the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton brought us NAFTA. Hillary Clinton served on the board of Walmart and voted for George W. Bush’s horrible invasion of Iraq.
Barack Obama avoided criticizing the Wall Street elites who brought us the 2008 recession. He also blocked Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president and bragged about expanding U.S. oil production, despite the demands of climate voters. And in 2024, the Clintons and Obama all gaslit Democratic voters who opposed Biden's support for Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
4. Expel the Pro-Israel Lobby.
Israel is committing ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Democratic Party support for Israel's military will continue to splinter and break apart the Party base. AIPAC and other pro-Israel organizations must be pushed out of the Democratic Party.
By taking these four steps, the Democratic Party can end its culture of defeat and start winning elections once again.