Ask the government to implement climate education

Minister/Secretary of State for Education

Our current education on the climate emergency is not good enough. Students aren't being prepared to face the effects of climate change, or taught to understand the solutions for a crisis that will most impact our generation. But we can change this.

Teaching about sustainability and climate change needs to be integrated across the curriculum for all ages, equipping students with the skills, knowledge and values needed to thrive in a net zero society, mitigate the effects of the climate crisis and be part of the solution.

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To: Minister/Secretary of State for Education
From: [Your Name]

I want the Minister/Secretary of State for Education to ensure that all students are taught about the climate emergency and ecological crisis. I want this to be solutions focused, for all levels of education and to be integrated into all subject areas, not just geography or science. I want teachers to be trained on how to teach about these topics in relation to their subjects and to be given the funding, support and resources to do this.

Therefore, I want the minister/secretary to implement the Climate Education Bill which has cross-party support and was written by students from Teach the Future.

This will equip students with the skills, knowledge and values needed to thrive in a net zero society, mitigate the effects of the climate crisis and be part of the solution.