Take Action: No Guns in Pennsylvania Schools!

PA State Representatives and Governor Wolf

Tell Governor Wolf and the PA State Legislature: Teachers need books, not guns.

Teachers are not armed guards. Teachers are not law enforcement officers. Teachers don't need guns, they need lawmakers who fund public schools. They need lawmakers who put children before guns and fund school safety measures that deal directly with the root cause of violence--unaddressed bullying, trauma, or mental health issues.

We know that Black and Brown children are disproportionately disciplined in schools. We know that young white female teachers are often afraid of Black boys as young as eight years old. We know that Black girls are punished more severely than their white peers. HB 383 would cost Black and Brown students in Pennsylvania their lives.  

Tell Governor Wolf and your state representative to oppose HB383.


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Philadelphia, PA

To: PA State Representatives and Governor Wolf
From: [Your Name]

While we share your desire to protect students and ensure schools are safe places, arming teachers and other school personnel is not the appropriate way to do so. There is no evidence that arming school personnel increases school safety. Instead of giving teachers concealed weapons, give them the resources to provide positive behavior supports, increased mental health services, restorative justice practices, peer mediation, social and emotional learning, and trauma sensitive schools.

Please oppose HB 383, the bill permitting school personnel to carry
concealed firearms in schools, and instead, work toward engaging the whole school community — teachers, parents, students, administrators, and community members. Schools must be gun free zones!