Tell Aaron Peskin: do not run for Mayor of San Francisco
Aaron Peskin

Sign our petition urging Supervisor Peskin to stay out of the Mayor’s race, and pledge to donate $5 to oppose Peskin if he runs.
Aaron Peskin needs to know that the people of San Francisco do not want him to be Mayor, and we will actively oppose his candidacy.
Although Aaron Peskin has not yet filed to run for Mayor, he's clearly signaling that he might.
“I’d be lying to you if I did not say that people encourage me to run for mayor,” Peskin said. “But, thus far, I have not succumbed to their entreaties.”
Here's why Mayor Aaron Peskin would be terrible for San Francisco:
Peskin spent 20 years sabotaging San Francisco.
Peskin has consistently blocked housing for the past 20 years, which contributed to the housing crisis we have today.
Peskin has bullied government employees and private citizens to get what he wants, even when it’s illegal.
Peskin’s entire career has been to oppose growth and change.
Peskin pushed to defund the police: “I’m supportive of the efforts of [...] DefundSFPDNow.”
If you don't want a bully who is anti-growth, gutted the office of the Mayor, and is against building more housing, then sign our petition and pledge to donate $5 if he runs!
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Aaron Peskin
[Your Name]
Dear Aaron Peskin, please do not run for Mayor. We need a leader who cares about growth and prosperity in San Francisco, and you are not that person.
I have signed GrowSF’s petition calling for you to NOT run for mayor, and I have pledged to donate $5 to GrowSF if you file to run.
Go enjoy your retirement.