Tell Austin Pets Alive! Leadership to Remain Neutral as Employees Prepare for Union Election
Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the Austin Pets Alive! Executive Team

On Thursday, April 4, Austin Pets Alive! (APA) animal shelter employees filed a Representation Petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) requesting recognition of their Union, Austin Pets Allied Workers (APAW). While APA has rejected APAW’s request for voluntary recognition, APAW hopes that management remains neutral as employees exercise their right to unionize.
Dr. Ellen Jefferson and the Austin Pets Alive! Executive Team
[Your Name]
I am writing to voice my support for the recent efforts of Austin Pets Alive! staff to form a union, the Austin Pets Allied Workers (APAW).
As a member of the community, I know all about the incredible work that APA does to save companion animals in and around Austin—but that can only happen because of the invaluable work done every day by APA staff. Working in animal welfare shouldn’t come at the cost of staffers’ well-being, and all workers have the right to a union and a collective voice in the conditions of their own employment.
While I’m disappointed that APA will not voluntarily recognize the APAW union, I urge management to remain neutral as your employees exercise their right to join together for a better workplace for the animals and the people who care for them.