Tell BIW to Return Maine IAM Local S6 Shipbuilders Back to Work

Dirk Lesko, CEO Bath Iron Works

More than 4,300 shipbuilders of IAM Local S6 are on strike at Bath Iron Works (BIW), in what is currently the largest strike in the United States. The shipbuilders have been on strike for more than seven weeks to preserve good Maine jobs. Thanks to pressure from the IAM and elected officials, the company has returned to the bargaining table.

Progress is being made but we must keep up our support for these members.

Please join us in telling BIW CEO Dirk Lesko to get the best shipbuilders in the world back to work so they can provide the U.S. Navy with the best destroyers in the world.

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To: Dirk Lesko, CEO Bath Iron Works
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mr. Lesko,
I am writing to request you continue negotiating with IAM Local S6 and come to an agreement on a fair contract for these skilled workers.

The members of IAM Local S6 have made enormous sacrifices to ensure the success of BIW, and for months worked through a pandemic.

Please continue the progress we have made so far so that these hard working men and women can get back to building the best destroyers in the world.

Together, both the company and the members of IAM Local S6 can work out a deal that benefits the entire state of Maine and our nation.