No contract, no clicks! Condé Nast, settle a contract with the WIRED union now

Condé Nast

After more than a year of bargaining, Conde Nast management is still unwilling to pay us fairly, is refusing to engage with us on rights participation, and won’t recognize our product reviewers as part of our unit.

We’re prepared to walk out on this year’s Prime Day—July 12th and 13th—to win the fair contract we deserve.

The work we do is crucial to WIRED and Condé Nast’s economic viability. It’s high time we get a contract that matches the commitment we have to our work at WIRED.

We know our readers rely on our work to guide their Prime Day shopping. To our subscribers and supporters:

  1. If we have not reached a deal by Prime Day (July 12th), do not click on any WIRED links or shop through WIRED on July 12th and July 13th. Do not cross the picket line.

  2. If we reach a deal before Prime Day, please continue to click. Support union publications!

We are asking all supporters to pledge: If the WIRED Union has not reached a deal with management by Prime Day, I will not click on any WIRED links on July 12th and 13th.

To: Condé Nast
From: [Your Name]

After more than a year of bargaining, Condé Nast management is still unwilling to pay the WIRED Union workers fairly, refusing to engage with WIRED Union on rights participation, and won’t recognize the WIRED product reviewers as part of their unit.

If the WIRED Union has not reached a deal with management by Prime Day, I will not click on any WIRED links on July 12th and 13th.

WIRED Reader and Supporter