Tell Congress: "Investigate Ajit Pai and restore net neutrality"


It’s a new year and the new Congress is being sworn in. Soon, supporters of net neutrality will be in charge of the key House committees that provide oversight for the FCC. They’ll have the power to investigate Chairman Ajit Pai, and haul him into hearings where he’ll have no choice but to face questions about his agency’s reckless attack on Internet freedom. Finally, he’ll have to answer for things like lying to the media about a DDoS attack that never happened, and refusing to cooperate with FOIA requests and investigations into fraudulent comments.

The FCC is already facing a wave of lawsuits over its repeal of net neutrality. If Congress exposes Ajit Pai’s lies, it could unravel his entire scam.

But lobbyists for Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T will be doing everything in their power to deflect, delay, and get Congress to sit on its hands. We need to send a strong message right now to make sure House lawmakers make this a priority in 2019. Sign the petition to tell Congress: “Investigate Ajit Pai and take action to restore net neutrality.”

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To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

Investigate Ajit Pai and take action to restore net neutrality.