Tell Congress: No More Big Bonuses for Executives Who Take Government Jobs

Members of Congress

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) recently introduced a bill that would stop finance executives from receiving bonuses for going to work in government. Regular hardworking folks should feel confident that government officials are working for us—not stacking the deck in favor of their corporate pals.

Tell Congress to support the Financial Services Conflict of Interest Act to stop corporations and Wall Street from giving huge “golden parachute” payouts to executives who leave their companies to take government posts.

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Washington, DC

To: Members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

Government officials should be working on behalf of the public interest and our common good. The American people cannot trust that the system is not being rigged against them as long as Wall Street incentivizes top executives going into government posts. Please support the Financial Services Conflict of Interest Act.