Tell Congress: Pass the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act to immediately increase health care system capacity.

All members of Congress

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of the U.S. health care system—with too few resources to protect patients and medical professionals alike.

Under the Defense Production Act, the president can direct U.S. manufacturers to pivot their production toward in-demand resources—including respirators, ventilators, masks and personal protective equipment for medical professionals. Every day that the president refuses to act puts doctors and nurses in danger.

Now, a bipartisan group of Congressmembers has introduced the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act, which would require the president to immediately ramp up production of medical supplies.

Tell Congress to act immediately to provide our hospitals and medical professionals with the resources they need in this time of crisis.

To: All members of Congress
From: [Your Name]

Pass the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act which directs Donald Trump to activate the Defense Production Act, authorizing the president in times of crisis to require U.S. manufacturers to pivot their production toward in-demand resources including respirators, ventilators, masks and personal protective equipment for medical professionals. Every day that the president refuses to act puts doctors and nurses in danger.