Tell Congress to pass emergency paid sick leave

GOP Senators

Making workers choose between their health and their livelihoods, while potentially infecting others, is not only unjust, but will undoubtedly allow coronavirus to continue to spread at an alarming rate.  

Instead of doing the right thing in this moment of crisis, Senate Republicans are blocking a bill that would guarantee paid sick leave for workers.

Will you sign our petition today demanding that Congress pass the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Bill?

To: GOP Senators
From: [Your Name]

Nearly 40% of private sector workers don’t get paid sick days from their employers. That means that retail workers, waitresses, cooks, truck drivers, nursing home employees, and anyone without paid sick leave is faced with the choice of going to work sick or going without pay – and even potentially losing their job.

While Trump is making plans to bail out his billionaire oil-industry pals, everyday workers are living with the fear that if they get sick with coronavirus and are forced into quarantine – they could go weeks, if not months, without wages that their families depend on.

We're calling on you to immediately pass legislation that guarantee s14 days of paid leave for workers affected by the coronavirus outbreak – including if they or a family member ends up quarantined, or if their child’s school is closed.

Thank you.