Tell Congress: "We won't be fooled by fake legislation. Pass the CRA to save net neutrality."
U.S. Congreess

Ajit Pai’s repeal of net neutrality sparked unprecedented backlash from voters, and now the Senate is just one vote away from passing a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the FCC decision. The closer we are to winning, the more dirty tricks we’re seeing from telecom lobbyists and the politicians they give money to.
Their latest scam is to try to derail the CRA by calling for Congress to pass alternative legislation that claims to save net neutrality while actually undermining it.
Sign this petition to tell your lawmakers: “I won’t be fooled by fake legislation that claims to save net neutrality. Support the CRA resolution to immediately restore net neutrality protections for Internet users and small businesses while Congress and the courts deliberate.”
Here’s why net neutrality legislation introduced before the CRA vote would be a trap:
- Legislation introduced right now would only serve one purpose: to take votes away from the CRA resolutions that are the best path to restoring net neutrality protections.
- ISPs want Congress to pass bills that are net neutrality in name only. They’ll purport to stop blocking and throttling, but leave the door wide open for the most harmful types of ISP scams, and kneecap the FCC’s ability to prevent ISP abuse.
- Even if there were a well-intentioned bill introduced right now, it would never pass. Unlike the CRA, traditional legislation would require 60 votes in the Senate, and that’s not going to happen in this Congress.
- The lawmakers pushing hardest for legislation take some of the most money from the telecom industry. Lobbyists for the ISPs are literally helping write these bills.
- Lawmakers that aren’t supporting the CRA but talking about “alternative legislation” are intentionally trying to confuse voters so they can claim that they’re helping when they’re really not.
Make sure your members of Congress know that you won’t be fooled by these tricks. Sign the petition and share this far and wide!
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U.S. Congreess
[Your Name]
I won’t be fooled by fake legislation that claims to save net neutrality. Support the CRA resolution to immediately restore net neutrality protections for Internet users and small businesses while Congress and the courts deliberate.