Tell Costco: Stop Selling Environmental Destruction

Costco CEO Craig Jelinek

Fires in the Amazon rainforest. A growing dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A small handful of powerful meat companies—Cargill, JBS, and Tyson Foods—are causing massive environmental destruction through pollution from factory farming.

As one of the nation’s largest supermarket chains, Costco has a major influence over the food you have access to and how it was produced. Yet despite claiming to want what its customers want—namely, sustainable food from responsible suppliers—Costco continues to do business with some of the most environmentally destructive companies on the planet.

Our planet can’t wait any longer. Tell Costco to drop contracts with meat suppliers that are destroying rainforests and polluting our waters.

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To: Costco CEO Craig Jelinek
From: [Your Name]

Stop funding environmental destruction. As one of the nation’s largest supermarket chains, Costco has a major influence over the food we have access to and how it was produced. Customers trust Costco to deliver high quality food from responsible suppliers. Although Costco claims to care about customer sustainability concerns, your supply chain tells a different story.

Costco meat comes from some of the most environmentally destructive suppliers in the entire food industry—Cargill, JBS, and Tyson Foods. Cargill and JBS played lead roles in driving the devastating fires in the Amazon last summer, and all three are responsible for widespread water pollution, soil erosion, and runaway climate emissions.

Every contract Costco signs with these destructive companies condemns future generations to a world of climate chaos and broken ecosystems. But you have the power to change that through more responsible business practices.

Our planet can't wait any longer. I urge Costco to immediately drop all contracts with meat suppliers that are destroying rainforests and polluting our waters, and instead use Costco’s economic power to shift our food system toward regenerative farming practices that protect our forests, climate, water, and health.