Tell Democratic Presidential Candidates: Unrig our economy; reduce inequality.

All 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates

For too long, our economy has been rigged to benefit the rich and large corporations. This has resulted in nearly all new wealth going to the top 1% in recent years and a federal government starved for resources to protect our families and meet our nation’s needs.

With the pool of Democratic presidential candidates growing by the day, we must ensure that our message of an economy and a tax system that works for everyone is featured in the 2020 campaign.

Stand with Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund and sign the petition to all Democratic presidential candidates to call for a tax system that unrigs our economy, reduces inequality, provides the resources needed to invest in good-paying jobs and strong public services, and creates an economy that works for everyone.

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To: All 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates
From: [Your Name]

Include in your campaign agenda the following principles of tax fairness:

1. To create an economy that works for all of us, corporations and the wealthy must pay their fair share of taxes.

2. To protect basic services that benefit working families and to make new investments to meet our nation’s growing needs, we must raise significant new revenues.

3. We must end tax incentives and loopholes that encourage multinational corporations to outsource jobs and shift profits offshore, and thereby avoid paying their fair share of taxes.