Tell Equifax to come clean about your stolen personal info

You may have heard that credit-check company Equifax suffered possibly the worst data breach in history, potentially affecting 143 million people.
What you might not know is that in order to find out if your personal information was stolen -- including your Social Security number, brith date, address and driver's license number -- Equifax is demanding that you first give up your right to sue them for the breach.
On the Web site that Equifax set up to let people find out if their info was stolen, the company has added language in which you per se waive your right to sue them for the breach if you inquire as to whether you are one of their victims.
Yes, the same company that has been entrusted with all of your credit information is now holding our security hostage. I wish I were making this up. You can read more about it at Ars Technica.
This is unbelievably arrogant of Equifax. Please add your voice to those demanding Equifax immediately divulge, with no conditions, whose personal information was stolen.
[Your Name]
Equifax needs to immediately divulge, with no conditions, whose personal information was stolen in this latest breach.